(sess'-kwi-ped-ay'-lee-un) adj. 1: having many syllables 2: given to or characterized by the use of long words.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
I've met a woman.
- Ricky Gervaise, Ghost Town. Submitted without comment.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Just maybe though.
So what I'm saying is that if you're waiting on your very own Prince Charming, maybe you should spend some more time trying to charm some more Princes.
"Charles Perrault's version of Sleeping Beauty, published in 1697, includes the following text at the point where the princess wakes up: "'Est-ce vous, mon prince?' lui dit-elle, 'vous vous êtes bien fait attendre'. Le Prince charmé de ces paroles... ne savait comment lui témoigner sa joie". ("'Are you my prince?' she said. 'You've kept me waiting a long time'. The prince, charmed by her words... did not know how to express his joy.")
It has sometimes been suggested that this passage later inspired the term, "Prince Charming", even though it is the prince who is charmed (charmé) here, not who is being charming (charmant).
In the eighteenth century, Madame d'Aulnoy wrote two fairy tales, The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, where the hero was named Avenant ("Fine", "Beautiful", in French), and The Blue Bird, where the hero was Le roi Charmant ("The Charming King"). When Andrew Lang retold the first (in 1889) for The Blue Fairy Book, he rendered the hero's name as "Charming"; the second, for The Green Fairy Book, as "King Charming".
Although neither one was a prince and the first was not royal, this may have been the original use of "Charming".
- Wikipedia.
It could be worse though. You could have the Dorian Gray kind of Prince, who ditches you (and then you inevitably commit suicide).
"Then, Oscar Wilde's 1890 novel The Picture of Dorian Gray refers ironically to "Prince Charming", perhaps the earliest use of the exact term. The main character, Dorian, is supposed to be a young actress's "Prince Charming", but he abandons her and in despair she commits suicide."
Honestly though, maybe if there were more girls that acted, or even looked, like Disney Princesses, maybe there'd be more Prince Charming's (the Disney version) crashing through windows and stabbing people for you.
Just maybe though.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I got called smart today.
"Man, you're so smart Greg."
I'm smart because I knew what a belt-loop was called. Cool. Although, I'm not really sure if that's a compliment to me, or an insult to the rest of the world.
People, it's called a belt-loop. Inform the masses. Increase the populous intelligence levels. I refuse to be smart.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Seven Shots
I can hear it out my window, the clamor of the night. Shadows swiftly take delight in other peoples plight. Everything the light wont see comes out to play at night.
I can hear it out my window, the horrid scream of silence. Seven shots ring out the might of hate, malice, and violence.
Above the moon rains down the gloom, the boom, the clattering scurry. "Hurry hurry we have to go!" A man with a gold chain hushes. Another man lays on the ground, his vision getting blurry.
First responder, always ponder, "who is this man?" and "why?" "Will he live? Will he die? There's little time to squander."
He's just a man, late at night, all emotion latent. Not just a man, the man's a doctor, he's lost another patient.
Lonely mother, lost another, wont make it through the night. Nervous, crying, praying silent, no one to hold her tight.
Heart sank deep, the crooked creep, the one who did the deed. "How could I take another's life, just to feed my need?"
I hear it out my window, seven shots ring in my head. Seven billion people here, just now there's one more dead.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Consumerism costs your heart and soul.
Friday, December 9, 2011
These videos? They're essentially random.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I Earned My Mexican Card Today
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I swear, I'll revolt all over this business.
PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
To e-mail your representatives, please visit this site: http://fightforthefuture.org/pipa/
"What PROTECT-IP will do is cripple new start-ups because it also lets companies sue any site they feel isn't doing their filtering well enough. These law-suits could easily bankrupt new search-engines and social media sites. And PROTECT-IP's wording is ambiguous enough that important social media sites could become targets. Lots of trail-blazing websites could look like piracy havens to the wrong judge. Tumblr, Soundcloud, an early Youtube, wherever people express themselves make art, express themselves, broadcast news, or organize protests..."
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This whole post is like one big fat rabbit trail.
3 AM Philosophy: Chance.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I remember the strangest things...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Epic... Gay Best Friend Self-Esteem Building Rant? Part VI
Monday, November 14, 2011
Epic Mood-Runing Rant Part V
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Epic Mood-Ruining Rant Part IV
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Epic Mood-Ruining Rant Part III
Friday, November 11, 2011
Epic Mood-Ruining Rant Part II
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Epic Mood-Ruining Rant, Part I
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
November is my melancholic ranting month.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Halloween Issue

Thursday, October 13, 2011
R.I.P Steve Jobs
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Hipster Logic
Thursday, September 29, 2011
She'll Never Live That One Down
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Arrest Me, I Speak in Maths! (bonus points for getting this song reference)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
There's a Joke About Love Bugs I Failed to Make. Oh Well.
Monday, September 5, 2011
I Do What I Want Every Day!
Monday, August 29, 2011
I Wrote About Cursing Without Cursing Once. That's Impressive.
My Thoughts on Marijuana
Inscribed on the stone of the temple of Apollo in the city of Delphi are the words “nothing in excess” and “know thyself.” While being applicable to pretty much anyone in any situation, I think in the modern world, with currently 15 states having legalized marijuana, it is suited perfectly for the growing availability of addictive drugs.
Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders calls for it's legilazation on CNN, saying "It's not a toxic substance." She wasn't necessarily saying that it has no side-effects, but that the ones that do exist aren't typically life threatening. It's nearly impossible to overdose on marijuana. It would take over 8000 joints (marijuana cigarettes) to overdose on marijuana, and even if someone was trying, they would pass out before they got there. According to a study done by the U.S. Government, a grand total of zero people died from marijuana in 2007. The CDC has reported that marijuana, as an underlying cause, caused 26 deaths between 1999 and 2007.
According to the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, approximately 400,000 people die annualy from their own smoking, with another 50,000 from second hand smoke. That's over 1000 deaths daily, related directly to smoking tobacco.
The reason there is such a drastic difference between the death toll for tobacco and marijuana is actually due to chemicals used to grow the plants. Both are natural substances, but while tobacco is typically grown with pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals to help with crop production, high quality marijuana is typically grown chemical free. After harvesting, tobacco is mixed with even more harmful substances such as tar and other fillers that cause cancer when burned and inhaled. Marijuana is left in it's natural state after being picked and smoked as is.
Marijuana is also known to have medicinal properties. It is used to treat chronic illnesses, arthritis, headaches and migraines, etc. throughout the United States and many countries world wide.
I believe that due to the aforementioned reasons and statistics, marijuana should be legalized in all States for medicinal purposes.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Because I Can
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Society's Got Me Shaking My Head Once Again.
With that being said, let me tell you why.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pictures: a How-Not-To
Girl 3: "I bet the guys are gonna love our duck faces!"

Friday, August 19, 2011
Sometimes I rhyme just because I can.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Expanding Your Musical Horizons
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I'm big in France
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My List
Monday, July 25, 2011
Loopholes Loopholes
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Things that make me want to cry.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I'm back, bay-bay!
You know, I can honestly say that I'm pretty awful at pretty much everything. I mean, I can play some instruments pretty well, but I can't read music, and I never got a grade on how fast I can play something I made up on piano. I couldn't do Biblical Exegesis because every time something had a deeper meaning I took it as literal, and vice versa. Math? Well, that's pretty much a lost cause for me. Chemistry? That's just a fancy way of saying "more math." I enjoy languages but the translations over and over and over and over bore me. Words. I love words. If there's anything I can do in this world, it's list off synonyms for pretty much any word you throw at me. And you know the sad part about all this? Last year, at school, I did awful. I was awful because they give me all these classes that I have no idea what I'm doing in, while at the same time I wrote a grand total of about four papers the whole year.
And for serious, that's probably the reason I started blogging. We all know that my good friend Matt Woods and I had a sort of blog-battle in the beginning, but I seriously just wanted to write. Writing makes me feel good. I didn't have any classes where I could let out all this compressed creativity, and frankly it was screwing with my brain. I'd start getting sarcastic on my homework answers. I remember specifically answering "beats me" and "I dunno" multiple times on my math work. There was one particular case where I flat out said "who cares about the falling velocity of this kids baseball?"
So anyways, it feels good to be writing again. Writing is my mistress, and frankly my dear, I'll never get tired of you.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Encounters with Nature on the Way Home from Work
Just minutes later, I was busy making a moron of myself trying to open the locked back door. I eventually wisened up and made my way to the side garage door, which is left open about five inches so our cats can come and go. I pushed my way through the makeshift barricade put in place so it wouldn't fly about in the event of high winds and found myself not being able to see anything. I widened my eyes as much as I could, expecting somehow to catch more light rays or something. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of the devilish beady gleam of the eyes of a raccoon. My initial reaction was something along the lines of "hey kitty." My second reaction was "AAAAAIIIEIIEIEIEIIEAIEIEIEEEH!!!" I quickly tried to close the door, which in hindsight, I had no idea what the heck I'd do if I managed to lock the thing in there. Keep it as a pet? Probably. Anyways, I was unsuccessful in closing the door because of the block of wood that was totally put there to keep it open. In the process however, I found a big weird stick with a funky crook at the end, which was good enough for me. I swung it around frantically, not really wanting to hurting to thing, but still sort of freaking out. He almost fell into a hole that I'm not really sure of its purpose, but still made his way through the open door. I don't know that he'll ever be coming back, because I know that I sure wouldn't.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Throughout his life, he had be the object of all different kinds of slander, praise, glorification, defamation, and everything in-between. I was young enough when most of it was going on that I didn't care much for it at all; I only knew what others told me. And not that there's anything particularly wrong with secondhand information, but maybe I shouldn't have listened to as much of it as I did. I was absolutely apathetic when I heard that he had passed away, but I knew absolutely nothing about him. At this point in my life I knew maybe two or three of his more famous songs, and thought of him as some creepy pedo with freaky white skin.
Something changed inside when I happened upon a live stream of his children speaking at his funeral. First off, they were like, ten? Courageous kids.
But they weren't just up there to say goodbye. I remember one of them talking extensively on how, despite all the media's attention to what would seem like him being a poor father, he was "the greatest daddy ever." I know it's easy for a kid to say that about their parent, but just hearing that little voice broke something inside of me.
Since then, I've somehow disregarded most of the awful things I've heard about him, and it may just be respect for the deceased, but I've gained a whole lot of respect for the man and what he went through over the span of his whole life. He was, and is, the king of pop. Forever and always. He was immensely influential, sort of like the Beatles, except with catchier music, and created some of the most awesome dances ever, like MC Hammer, except without the parachute pants. He wore a fedora and pinstripe suits. He wrote a song about zombies. Truth be told, he sounds like the coolest man ever.
Rest in peace MJ. You're an inspiration, and you could walk backwards while seemingly stepping forwards. I applaud you.
Monday, April 18, 2011
This ain't Monty Python's Meaning of Life.
Since we are chasing this evasive question, we assume that there is an answer. Is there really a purpose to life? As a human being, probably not. I was born, I will live for a small while, and then I'll die, fertilize some dirt, something like that, tons of fun, eaten by maggots. But honestly, if you don't already have a purpose written out somewhere *cough* the Bible/Quran/Book of Mormon/Skymall *cough* then you're probably doomed to just look under leaves and whatnot.
"Oh leaf, why was I put here on earth?"
*rustle rustle*
"Should I be taking notes?"
"Oh I'm sorry great leaf! I didn't mean to anger you!"
His name is Russel. He's angered by the fact that you're taking notes on his brethren. |
Yeah, something like that. Do you have a purpose for living? Christians: yes, God put you here to do his bidding and whatnot. Deists: no, God left you here like an unwanted baby at an orphanage. Evolutionists: no, you were an accident, you're also like an unwanted baby, but you werent even put into an orphanage; you're the Sasquatch of the universe. Atheists: sure. In the (paraphrased) words of Dane Cook, you get to live, die, turn into a tree, then be chopped down by a sweaty lumberjack, turned into paper, and have the Bible printed on you. Do you even believe there is a purpose to life? You confuse me on a voluminous level. Congratulations. Muslims: yes! You are to spread the words of Mohammed el Prophet and kill those pesky infidels. Or, if you choose to believe that the whole of Islam isn't a radical terrorist group, you can just live out life and wait for your 72 virgins. Catholics: you are to follow Cathol and all his teachings (source: Eddie Izzard). Also, you have lots of nice orphanages (but not for Deists and Evolutionists.)
* Note: I know very little, and I realize this. However, if you still feel inclined to remind me, I welcome it with open arms. Also, I wrote this when I was like, fourteen, and edited very little. It's probably nor so good.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Class: unrelated to desired career. (for the time being?)
- Every time I walk into Chemistry class, I'm a chemist.
- Every time I walk into Biblical Exegesis, I'm a Biblical scholar.
- Every time I walk into Government class, I'm a politician.
- Every time I walk into Anatomy class, I'm a physical therapist.
- Every time I walk into Greek class, I'm a scholar.
- Every time I walk into Algebra II class, I'm a failure.
- Every time I walk into Literature class, I'm in a book club.
- Every time I walk into History class, I'm a historian.
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Fat, hilarious, famous idiocy. |