I don't blog about my candle making adventures, my family (with two thousand pictures of my kids), or my life as a housewife who makes quilts 24/7. I'm not some pretentious hipster who can't finish three sentences without using some form of the word "musing." I'm just here to laugh at society.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's all rainbows and discrimination.

I like gay people, because I believe that love comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Gay people, from what I've gathered from my own personal experience, are very nice, because they also believe that love is a versatile thing. Straight people suck and are mean, because they want to put love in a neat little box, have the government regulate it, and put a tax on it so you can't have/be in love without paying for it.

There's approximately 600,000 people in Tulsa (2010 census). Around 1% of all American couples are gay or lesbian. So if I take a really big leap and by-pass some basic mathematics for the sake of being lazy, I can guess that there's about 12,000 gay or lesbian people in Tulsa. I don't even know that many people. I don't even know what "12,000 people" looks like. If I were to be able to remember every single person I've ever met and ever will meet, it probably wont even be near 12,000.

If every single person who served in the armed forces of the U.S. stopped doing so, we could fill their positions twice with solely gay people, with some to spare.

There are more homosexual people in America than Native Americans.

I don't see gay people as gay people, or a minority, or someone who's doomed to spend eternity chillin' with Satan. I don't walk up to one and say "how are you today, Mr. Gay man?" or "Howdy, sinner!" If you're gay, it's part of who you are, just as much as your ethnicity, eye color, accent, etc. It's your personality. When you see "homosexuality" like this, you'll understand why I don't think it's right that people bully gay kids, or deny them basic human rights. And this is where it gets juicy.


But seriously, in the Declaration of Independence, they were all like "dudes, you should be able to do what you want, because the Man shouldn't be able to tell us what to do! The Man's trying to keep us down!" (in my version, the founding fathers we sort of hippies.) Henceforth, America separated themselves from England and their oppression and founded America, the land of freedom and opportunity. And then suddenly, 200 years later, our very own government stomped all over the Declaration of Independence and said "lol nope, gays don't get to be happy." If we're going to do this, I think it's only fair we return Lady Liberty to the French and surrender ourselves to the British. (also, if we're a democracy, we need to change our flag, because the classic "stripes and stars" one stands for a republic.)

California's Prop. 8 officially eliminates same-sex marriage in what I grew up understanding to be the most gay state of them all.

Question time: does love make you happy? A large number of heartbroken teenagers will probably try to tell you that it'll make you miserable, but let's look at the science. Love is the biochemical reaction inside the brain that releases "love drugs" (that's normal-person talk for dopamine, norepinephrine, pheromones, and serotonin). Basically, these naturally occurring chemicals make you stupid and happy and in love. So yes, scientifically speaking, love makes you happy. Is love not, under these conditions, one of the certain inalienable rights given to you in the Declaration of Independence? Or at least, the pursuit of love. And is marriage not the furthest extent of love?

I'm calling America out on their blatant discrimination of homosexual individuals. We're denying them their God-given rights, in the same way we denied African Americans theirs. And Westboro Baptist Church the modern day Klu Klux Klan.

I know that homosexuality isn't a race, but if you're "homophobic" to any degree, I see you as being on the same level as a racist. If you hate any group of people for who they are, you're just like a racist. A love racist, in this case.

I am not talking about your religion. You can have all the religion you want. You can follow all the rules and guidelines you want. I believe that you can be gay and still be a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist, or whatever you want to be. This isn't about whether gay people go to heaven or hell. All that is is your opinion, or someone elses opinion. If you have a problem with homosexuality because of your religion, just remember that "God is love."

Think about it. Makes sense.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I just don't care (about some stuff).

If I ever told anybody that I enjoyed American Idol, it was a straight up lie. I'm sorry.

I don't watch the finals. I don't watch the auditions. I don't find it very entertaining to see a bunch of punk kids cover classic songs, nor do I take pleasure in idolizing our musicians. I think it's a silly show. So there you have it.

I will not now, nor ever, give you input on who I think should have won, will win, once won, or shouldn't have made it past the first round. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, I don't know any of the participants. Secondly, because if you're the kind of person who would ask me to discuss these things, you probably also want to talk to me about Snooki's baby.

I don't care about Snooki, and I don't care about her baby. Approximately, there are just under 13 million women pregnant right now. My congratulations to each and every one of them. However, Snooki is an oompa loompa who's famous for being trashy and drunk. My sincere condolences for the future of that child, because we all know it's destined to be a Guido, and it will probably never know which of the eighteen possible candidates is actually it's father.

Now that you've probably gotten the hint that I don't care about a lot of stuff, I'd like to take the time to talk about Joseph Kony. Most of you probably know who Kony is because everyone and their dog have shared a video produced by the Invisible Children movement on Facebook. If you haven't seen it already, you can check it out here:


It's about thirty minutes long. If you don't want to watch it, I understand. You've got Angry Birds to play, and before you head off to your dead-end desk job you need to stop by a giant corporation and throw your money at them for their nasty coffee and McMuffins.

I don't care about American Idol. I don't care about Jersey Shore. I don't care about McDonalds, Starbucks, or your IPhone.

I care about children. I care about the future. I care about freedom. I don't particularly care for the American government, and I really don't care for it poking it's nose where it doesn't belong. What's happening in Uganda, though, is important. This is bigger than me, and it is bigger than the government, and it's bigger than you. Kony is a terrorist. As an American, that should be a concept you can wrap your head around.

I refuse to tell you that you need to donate all your money to a foundation, and I wont tell you to become an activist just because it's something I and many other people consider important. You don't need any student loans or four year programs to educate yourself though. Watch the video and get connected.